Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

My New Born Imvu Blog

Heyyo, I'm finally starting my first Imvu blog! Woaahh, I just can't believe it. I've been on Imvu over 3 years now and today will make an history cuz I finally have decided to broadcast my outfits (and some of my experiences playing this virtual game) to the world wide. Mwahahaaa...

A lot says I have good taste of picking an outfit and making the best mix and match to turn it into my original style. Sorry, but I just can't stand an ugly outfit (which is still worn by majority imvu user today). And no, I'm not a creator. I just love to dress up my avi. But hey! who cares being a creator when IMVU provides everything I need in shop!

So yeah, I'm not really into one avi. I barely use a certain avi for a long term. Just an avi for particular moment. I call it once-use avi. Xoxoxo.. And yes, I do have permanent avi. But like it's explained, I barely use it. If you see a post with a picture of a single avi repeatedly posted in this blog with different outfits, that's probably it. I will not mention every user name of the avis used in this blog for safety reason. But I like to give it 'a nick name' depends on an outfit's theme and my mood. Sometime it often inspired by something I just read previously. Yup, books are my another obsession!

Well, this post isn't supposed written in English.  Like you can assume, I'm not an English native speaker. I just encourage myself to start using it for my first post. Next time, it will be a bilingual blog (English & Indonesian) Yup, I'm an Indonesian. Many people in my country also play this game. Feel free leaving a comment. I also open for outfit design request. Just mention your payment at comment section. Another example of my design outfits will be posted continuously in the next posts. Cya

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